
Erbium Lasermcl31 dermablate вin Astana!

Indications for Use

Despite differences of opinion among specialists regarding the effectiveness of Erbium lasers, erbium laser in cosmetology is gaining increasing popularity due to the following features:

  1. High safety and ease of use when performing grinding procedures.
  2. Absence of pain or minor burning sensation during the session and a short time after it.
  3. The period of complete epithelial layer recovery ranges from 3-5 days to 1-2 weeks (on average - 8 days), which is significantly shorter compared to regeneration after the use of carbon dioxide lasers.
  4. No need for special patient preparation. In some cases, moisturizing of the skin, ultrasonic peeling, taking antiviral drugs (for example, in the presence of herpes infection), or discontinuation of oral contraceptives may be recommended.
  5. Short rehabilitation period.
  6. Low risk and a very low percentage of complications and side effects.
  7. Absence of demarcation (separation) lines in the area of exposure.

Indications for Use

  1. Superficial wrinkles on the upper lip and forehead, "crow's feet" at the corners of the eyes.
  2. Age-related changes in the form of sagging skin on the face, in the "décolleté" and neck area, and on the hands.
  3. Minor stretch marks (striae).
  4. Consequences of acne eruptions covering a large area.
  5. Keratomas, pigmented spots, and epidermal birthmarks, small tattoos.
  6. Small and non-large papilloma scars.
  7. Xanthelasma (cholesterol deposits under the skin in the eyelid area).

The duration of the procedure can range from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, and the number of sessions can be 5-6, depending on the skin's characteristics and types of defects.

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