Laser cosmetology

Laser acne treatment

Hardware method for treating acne and post-acne correction based on laser action. Radically and effectively eliminates acne, suppresses inflammatory processes, rejuvenates the skin.

Laser treatment is carried out using the high-tech "MeDioStar NeXT" laser, which acts on problem areas of the skin. The laser is equipped with a special module for fractional grinding, which helps reduce post-acne manifestations. The module smoothes the relief, narrows enlarged pores, makes scars less noticeable, and lightens pigmentation spots that often accompany acne rash. Additionally, the skin is cleansed from dead cells.

Results of laser acne treatment:

  • cessation of inflammatory processes;
  • elimination of all types of acne, prevention of new eruptions;
  • reduction of post-acne manifestations (enlarged pores, scars, pigmentation spots);
  • normalization of sebaceous gland function;
  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • stimulation of collagen fiber production;
  • rapid skin recovery from damage caused by bacterial infection.

How is laser acne treatment performed? Treatment is done in courses. The standard course includes 5 procedures with a frequency of 1-2 times a week. The duration of the session depends on the area of the treated surface and the condition of the skin. The duration of one procedure is 20-40 minutes. The session starts with cleansing the skin and applying a gel that provides heat dissipation of absorbed and reflected energy, cooling the skin. The patient's and the doctor's eyes are protected by goggles.

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