Laser cosmetology

Fractional and full skin ablation

The Erbium laser MCL31 Dermablate is a kind of indicator pointing out that a medical clinic has reached the highest level of working with the aesthetic problems of its visitors.

Therefore, we are pleased to present the Erbium laser MCL31 Dermablate. Excellent clinical results have demonstrated the high effectiveness of using the MCL31 Dermablate equipment, which is based on a high level of skin aging problems elimination, a short rehabilitation period, and a minimal risk of complications.

The Erbium laser MCL31 Dermablate offers two modes of facial skin rejuvenation:

1. Full Skin Resurfacing. It is carried out in ablation mode and is based on a whole series of long-term clinical studies.

2. Fractional Laser Therapy. It is performed using the MicroSpot attachment. With this mode, there is no need for anesthesia, and the rehabilitation period is significantly shortened, so the clinic's visitors can return to their normal lives in just a few days.

Highly qualified specialists at the MONACO VIP Clinic recommend resorting to skin ablation procedures if you want to remove deep wrinkles, "crow's feet," stretch marks, scars, and this method is also excellent for skin polishing and removing skin neoplasms.

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