Injectable cosmetology

3D thread lift

We offer our visitors an advanced patented method of skin rejuvenation with 3D thread lifts. This is the latest method of three-dimensional contouring of the face and problem areas of the body, allowing you to rejuvenate the face by 4-5 years after just the first procedure.

The uniqueness of the technique lies in the special properties of the injection guide needle and the fine thread made of polydioxanone attached to it. The thread is injected under the skin and gradually dissolves, forming a powerful volumetric "frame" without causing internal discomfort. At the same time, tissue forms a kind of "rib of rigidity" that prevents the skin from sagging.

This facelift procedure is not traumatic and can be performed at any time of the year. Please note that only registered thread lifts are used in our VIP clinic MONACO, which guarantees their safety and clinical effectiveness. We consider it our duty to warn you that by using unregistered thread lifts in unverified places, you risk harming your health.

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